5 Case Studies of Commercial Solar Success in Australia

Devam Solar
4 min readJul 21, 2023


Businesses in Australia are taking advantage of solar installations due to rising electricity rates. Solar energy offers many benefits to businesses, including reduced energy costs, increased resilience to power outages, and helping to clean the environment.

In this blog post, we will explore the best 5 case studies of commercial solar success in Australia. These case studies will show how businesses of all sizes have benefited from installing solar panels.

Solar For Business

Solar energy has gained significant popularity in Australia due to its abundant sunlight and the increasing need for sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions. Solar installation for businesses can help to reduce high electricity bills, environmental sustainability, and potential government incentives.

Benefits of Commercial Solar in Australia

Here are some key points to consider when thinking about solar for your business in Australia:

  • Financial Benefits: One of the primary reasons businesses adopt solar is the potential for significant cost savings on electricity bills. By generating your electricity from solar panels, you can reduce your reliance on grid power and, in some cases, even sell excess electricity back to the grid, earning feed-in tariffs.
  • Government Incentives: The Australian government has supported the adoption of renewable energy by offering incentives and rebates. The most notable program is the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), which provides financial assistance in the form of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). These STCs can help offset the upfront costs of installing solar panels.
  • Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET): For larger businesses or enterprises, the LRET can be beneficial. It sets a goal for Australia to achieve 33,000 GWh of renewable energy generation annually by 2020. Businesses that invest in large-scale solar projects can benefit from this scheme.
  • Environmental Impact: Going solar aligns your business with eco-friendly practices, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint. This commitment to sustainability can also improve your brand image and appeal to eco-conscious customers.
  • Regulations and Grid Connection: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, permits, and grid connection requirements for solar installations. Different states may have varying regulations regarding solar systems, so it’s essential to comply with local guidelines.
  • Find a Reliable Solar Provider: Research and choose a reputable solar provider with experience in commercial installations like Devam Solar. Get Free consultation from Devam Solar for Solar related queries.

Case Studies Of Commercial Solar Success in Australia

Sunny Retail Solutions: A Shopping Mall Goes Green

Sunny Retail Solutions, a prominent shopping mall in Melbourne, made a strategic decision to embrace solar energy in 2019. With an immense roof space, the mall had the perfect opportunity to harness the abundant Australian sunshine.

The mall installed a massive solar panel system on its rooftop, capable of generating 500kW of clean electricity. The installation was seamlessly integrated into the building’s design, complementing its aesthetics.

As a result, Sunny Retail Solutions experienced a significant reduction in energy costs, saving over $70,000 annually. Additionally, the mall’s green initiative garnered positive attention from environmentally conscious shoppers and earned them the prestigious “Green Building of the Year” award.

EcoTech Manufacturing: Fostering Sustainability in Production

EcoTech Manufacturing, a Brisbane-based industrial equipment manufacturer, was determined to reduce its carbon emissions while optimizing its operational efficiency. To achieve this, EcoTech installed solar panels across its factory premises, powering its manufacturing processes with renewable energy.

By going solar, EcoTech Manufacturing achieved a 35% reduction in energy expenses and save amounts over $100,000 annually. Furthermore, the company’s commitment to sustainability enhanced its brand reputation that attract environmentally conscious clients.

GreenTech Business Park: Empowering Tenants with Solar Energy

GreenTech Business Park, a commercial space provider in Sydney, sought to attract environmentally responsible tenants while reducing its reliance on the grid. The business park installed a shared solar infrastructure that allows individual offices to tap into renewable energy sources.

The solar-powered offices at GreenTech Business Park experienced significant cost savings that results in higher tenant retention rates. The park’s green initiative also boosted business demand for eco-friendly workspaces.

Solar Farms Australia: Powering Communities with Solar Energy

Solar Farms Australia, a renewable energy company, aimed to revolutionize the country’s power landscape with large-scale solar projects. The company developed expansive solar farms in various regions across Australia, leveraging vast open spaces.

As a result, Solar Farms Australia contributes substantially to the nation’s renewable energy capacity and supplies clean electricity to thousands of homes and businesses. This initiative facilitated a cleaner energy mix and positioned the company as a major player in the renewable energy sector.

SolarTech Enterprises — Empowering Communities

SolarTech Enterprises, an organization committed to bringing solar power to underprivileged communities, made a remarkable impact with its solar initiatives.

They empowered schools, hospitals, and community centers by installing solar panels in these areas with reliable and sustainable electricity.

This not only improved the living conditions but also contributed to the overall development of these communities. Their dedication to social and environmental responsibility garnered immense support from the public, donors, and government entities.

These are just a few examples of solar installation for businesses. Instead, more and more businesses are switching to solar energy. The cost of solar panels has been declining in recent years, making solar power more affordable for businesses of all sizes. As a result, we can expect to see even more businesses making the switch to solar power in the years to come.


The success stories of these five Australian businesses illustrate the immense benefits of adopting commercial solar power systems. From cost savings to brand enhancement and community support, solar energy offers a multitude of advantages for businesses in various industries.

Investing in commercial solar solutions is a win-win scenario that benefits both businesses and the environment. If you are a business owner who is considering installing solar panels, contact Devam Solar, a leading Commercial Solar provider. Contact Now and get a free consultation.



Devam Solar